Woman arrested after accidentally texting sheriff’s office instead of a drug dealer

Octavia Wells, a 41-year-old woman from Bay County, Florida, was arrested on New Year’s Eve after accidentally texting a narcotics investigator while attempting to buy fentanyl. She had meant to contact her drug dealer but mistakenly sent the order to the cop, who recognized the message as an attempt to purchase narcotics. The investigator arranged a “sale,” and when Wells met who she thought was her dealer at a gas station, she was arrested by officers.

During the arrest, Wells was found driving with a suspended license and had drug paraphernalia in her car, including fentanyl residue, foil, scales, and straws used for smoking fentanyl. She later claimed she meant to buy fentanyl before checking into rehab and mistakenly texted the officer, whom she had saved in her contacts. Wells was charged with unlawful use of a communication device, possession of drug paraphernalia, and driving with a suspended license. She posted bond and was ordered to submit to random drug tests.