A baggage handler explains why you should avoid tying a ribbon to your luggage.
If you’ve ever anxiously scanned a baggage carousel for your suitcase, you know how hard it is to spot it among identical bags. Many travelers tie ribbons to make theirs stand out, but Dublin Airport baggage handler John advises against this. He warns that ribbons can interfere with the automatic scanning process, potentially leading to delays or even causing your bag to miss the flight. John also recommends removing old travel stickers, which can confuse scanners.
Another tip: never pack marzipan. Its density is similar to explosives, which can trigger security alerts, leading to a bag search. For a better way to make your luggage stand out, consider choosing bags in bold colors or patterns instead of the common black or navy. If you prefer to keep your current suitcase, you can use fabric paint or stickers that won’t interfere with scanning. Following these tips can help ensure your luggage arrives safely, without any unexpected delays or hassles at the airport.