Over two decades after the September 11, 2001 attacks, newly discovered footage of the Twin Towers’ collapse has emerged. Kei Sugimoto, who captured the video, found old tapes in his closet and recently shared them. “It’s crazy that we’re almost 23 years out and still getting new footage,” commented a Reddit user.
Sugimoto filmed the collapse from the rooftop of 64 St Marks Place in New York City, offering a rare northern perspective. The video captures smoke engulfing the towers before they crumble, a viewpoint distinct from footage taken from the south or east, as noted by viewers.
Released on July 23, 2023, the footage has sparked online discussion. “Makes me wonder how much history is being stored in people’s attics or basements waiting to be unearthed,” one person reflected. Sugimoto’s contribution enriches the visual record of 9/11, preserving memories of a day that profoundly impacted modern history.
watch here :https://youtu.be/8TexFDMtomU