My 4-year-old son would get very distressed every time my mother-in-law babysat him. When I discovered the reason behind his reactions, I decided to get back at her.

Zoe, a dedicated nurse, often relied on her mother-in-law, Denise, to babysit her son, Leo, during her late shifts. However, Leo recently began to dread his grandmother’s visits, clinging to Zoe and hiding whenever Denise arrived. When Leo finally explained why, Zoe was stunned—Denise had been chasing him with a cotton swab, trying to collect his saliva for a DNA test. Her reason? She questioned Leo’s paternity because of his blonde hair.

Outraged, Zoe confronted Denise, who admitted her doubts. Andrew, Zoe’s husband, suggested a DNA test to put the matter to rest, but Zoe added a twist: Andrew should have his DNA tested as well. When the results came back, they confirmed Leo’s parentage, but there was a surprise—Andrew was not his father’s biological son.

This revelation shook Andrew, and he chose to distance himself from Denise, who eventually admitted to an affair years ago. With her secrets laid bare, Denise lost her influence in the family, while Zoe and Andrew decided to move on and focus on their future together, leaving the past behind.