Television icon and beloved game show host Chuck Woolery, the original host of Wheel of Fortune, has passed away at 83 after an illness. The news was confirmed by his close friend Mark Young, who shared on X, “It is with a broken heart that I tell you that my dear brother @chuckwoolery has just passed away. Life will not be the same without him. RIP, brother.”
Woolery reportedly felt unwell and later experienced difficulty breathing. Despite calling 911, he sadly didn’t survive, according to TMZ.
Beyond Wheel of Fortune, Woolery hosted other notable shows like Love Connection and Lingo. In his later years, he became known for his conservative podcast, Blunt Force Truth.
Born in 1941 in Ashland, Kentucky, Woolery first found fame with his band, The Avant-Garde, through their hit Naturally Stoned. Inducted into the American TV Game Show Hall of Fame in 2007, he will be remembered for bringing joy to millions.