The priest offers to light a candle for her.

A Roman Catholic priest is traveling to Rome when he unexpectedly meets an old childhood friend, Mary. “Mary, is that you? How have you been?” he asks. “Not great,” she replies. “My husband Robert and I have been trying to have kids for fifteen years, but we haven’t had any luck.” “I’m so sorry to hear that,” the priest responds. “I’m heading to Rome on a pilgrimage, and I’ll make sure to light a candle for you at the great cathedral.”

Mary thanks him, and after catching up for a while, they part ways. Five years later, the priest is having dinner when there’s a knock on his door. He opens it to find Robert standing there, looking excited. “I’m so glad I tracked you down!” Robert exclaims. “Remember that candle you lit for Mary? Well, we now have two sets of twins, triplets, and she’s pregnant again—with quadruplets!”

Robert then hands the priest tickets for a fully-paid trip to Rome. “That’s incredibly generous, but you didn’t need to do this to thank me,” the priest says, astonished. “Oh, it’s not a thank you,” Robert replies. “It’s so you can blow out that damn candle!”